Research and Campaigns
In order to campaign for change to the policies and practices that affect local residents, Citizens Advice Westminster first gathers evidence from our interactions with our clients to try to identify exactly how widespread problems are. This research is analysed to identify trends or patterns that impact communities.
Citizens Advice Westminster works with other local advice agencies, as members of the Westminster Advice Forum, to pool this anonymous data and achieve a borough-wide picture. We then work in partnership with local government and other local decision-makers to campaign for effective change.
On a national level, we work with other Citizens Advice services across the network to campaign on national issues.
Check out our X (formerly Twitter) page for latest campaigns, news and updates.
Have your say on private rented property licensing here.
Have a read of Faduma’s report, our latest R&C volunteer (pictured), on her first few months at CAW!

Current campaigns
Check out our top tips page which has some helpful short videos.
If you would like to support our Campaigns work by sharing your experience of these issues, please e-mail us at: