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Citizens Advice Westminster’s Summer newsletter

Cost of living crisis

A key focus at the Westminster Advice Forum was the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, with organisations reporting increasing demand for grants to support families and the impact of food and fuel poverty including for those in work.

Our Research and Campaigns team regularly analyse evidence forms completed by Advisers fill in when they see a client with a major problem which is part of a wider issue.  The emerging trends have been:

  • Poor administration and systems within the statutory bodies such as DWP. These cause delays which often put the clients in debt which is then hard to get out of.
  • This is made worse by the digital divide. When online Universal Credit deadlines are not met this has led to overpayments and demanding repayment schedules, leading to more debt.
  • Online housing forms are also challenging for some clients and resulted in one client missing out on a vital transfer to a different accommodation.
  • Benefits not covering basic costs of living leading to requests for food bank vouchers, and the impact that the financial struggle is having on the mental health of clients.
  • Clients being harassed by creditors and in one case illegal charging of interest on rent arrears by a private landlord


Join us!

We are currently recruiting for Telephone Assessors and a Crisis Prevention Adviser  – please see information here.

We are also recruiting for a range of volunteering roles including Gateway assessors.




How to contact us

For advice:

Phone: Between 10am – 4pm 0808 278 7834

Zoom Drop in: 10am – 11 am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Live Webchat: 4pm – 6pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Online enquiry: 6pm – 10pm every weekday

Advice Shop: weekly at venues across Westminster.


For fast-track energy information and advice please use the online referral form

Partnership queries: Adam Zaki,


Download a printable copy of the newsletter here

